Saturday, 14 April 2012

So I went shopping...

Well hello there (; ! 
This was my brekkie today and it absolutely d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s ! My mum made somewhat between a roll and a burger, she made kind of meat balls, some amazing garlic & curry sauce and on top of that she put some onion,tomato and cucumber in them. The rolls were hot as she prepared them in the oven first, I must admit, I do like McDonalds but THAT was just mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I also had a cuppa and in the glass in the background you can see creamed sesame seeds with some honey and I only eat this because it's meant to help my hair stop falling out and make my nails stronger. 

I fancy writing my posts in the morning I don't know why but it's kinda fun to see how my whole day has changed since 9 am when I look at it in the evening. So, I went shopping yesterday. I wasn't meant to but when you're meeting your friend in town, you can't help it. And the fact that my payday was yesterday as well didn't help ! I don't know about you guys but whenever I get paid I tell myself firmly NO you're not spending any money today, try to save it...And then even though I don't spend loads and loads (because I'm only a part-timer so I won't get much money) I still feel like I shouldn't ! 

Anyways, I'll try to control myself next time haha ! 
These are my purchases :
Bright & vivid blue chinos. I have no idea how to wear them and I don't know if I actually like them because  I never had them and this is my first pair. I tried to capture to colour of them but I don't know if you can see it well ? The stripy one is just a tank top and it's one of those basics that will go with most of the things so I thought why not ;). Last one, I call it 'Bambi' because it has Bambi lookalike on the front haha! This top is actually part of my uniform at work and I just needed a new one ;).

I was thinking about teeth whitening for a while now, my teeth are not very bad and they are not yellow like a banana but they are discoloured and everytime I wanted to wear bright lipstick I always stopped myself because it was just a bad combination - my teeth & bright pink. Nuh-ah ! So, I thought why not try something at home. I've tried baking soda which is meant to help you and I used it for a while but I could only see the difference in how shiny my teeth were. So, I'm gonna try and do the whole process today as toy're supposed to do it twice a day. 
And then for the lipstick I got one from TopShop and thought I was a pretty colour so I got it haha ! 

Hope you all have a lovely day today and the weather is nicer than it is where I live as I think I need to take my umbrella out... 



  1. Nice buys!I'm curious about the rapid white package, let us know what your discoveries are ;)
    I used crest white strips a while ago and these are also pretty good!

    Love, Denise

  2. Hi there! That roll/burger looks sooooo good! I'm from New York so I don't know, but I'm assuming brekkie means breakfast? lol. I love your purchases, that lipstick looks g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s but I don't know if it will look good on my skin tone. Anyways, I'm also telling myself that I need to save money and not spend it. However, I almost always end up spending some (or all of it) and then I feel horrible about myself!

  3. I love the colour of the lipstick! I also have that exact mug (although it says I heart Birmingham instead ... haha!) x
